Full implementering av sharialagen kräver brittiska muslimer

”Radical Muslim group Islam4UK has launched a campaign to impose sharia law on Britain, starting with a rally in London, according to a report.

Members of the organisation have Muslims from all over Britain to meet in the capital on October 31 for a procession to demand the full implementation of sharia law. The demonstration will start at the House of Commons and will then converge on Trafalgar Square.

The group’s website shows a number of pictures of British landmarks, including Nelson’s Column and the House of Parliament, with minarets and Islamic motifs added. The website says the images are necessary to prepare Britain for what it believes is a forthcoming Islamic revolution. 

‘Muslims want sharia law in Britain’claim”

Krav: Fuld sharia i Storbritannien, Snaphanen

Tipstack till Robin Shadowes!

Kanske en moteld mot organisationen ”One Law for all-No sharia Campaign” som startade i början av mars 2009:

Ett upprop mot sharialagarna i Storbritannien, One Law for All,

och som ska ha en stor demonstration i november:

Demonstrationer mot sharia över hela världen, hoppas organisationen One Law for All Campaign på och uppmanar till. Jag hoppas också att det blir omfattande demonstrationer mot sharialagen, även i Sverige.

Skriv på det svenska uppropet mot sharialagen i Sverige, från augusti förra året:

Läs och skriv under här:
Stopp för sharia Petition

Mer läsning om anledningen till uppropet:

Petition mot sharia i Sverige, Hedersrelaterat våld

Det senaste brevet från organisationen The One Law for All campaign:

”The One Law for All campaign is organising a rally against Sharia and all religious-based laws in Britain and across the world and in defence of human rights and secularism on November 21 in London. Rally organisers are calling upon those who cannot get to London to organise rallies or acts of solidarity in various cities across the globe.

A public show of opposition is crucial at a time when Sharia law is on the rise in many places and is being touted as a ‘right’ and a ‘choice’ when it is anything but these things.”

Klicka och läsa hela deras upprop:

Demonstration mot sharialagen i London i november, Hedersrelaterat våld


Lite läsning på bloggen Hedersrelaterat våld, klicka gärna runt, det finns mer om detta ämne:

One Law for all, No sharia Campaign-upprop mot sharia i Storbritannien

Muslimer vill inte leva efter sharialagen

Brittiska shariadomstolar dömer även icke-muslimer

US Constitution

Intressant läsning på bloggen Islam In Action om sharialagen och amerikanska konstitutionen:

If anyone speaks out against Sharia Law, there is often a strong reaction within the Muslim community. This month, Dalia Mogahed, President Obama’s advisor on Muslim affairs, complained on British television that the Western view of Sharia was “oversimplified” and misunderstood. While acknowledging that even Muslims associate Sharia with draconian criminal punishments and laws that seem unequal for women, she stated,

“Part of the reason there is this perception of Sharia is because Sharia is not well understood and Islam as a faith is not well understood.”

Klicka och läs det långa inlägget:

Sharia Law and the US Constitution, Islam In Action

Sharia the only option UK

och blogginlägget om de brittiska muslimernas krav på sharialagen:

”Well, this is no surprise to anyone who can see past the day that they are in. When the first Sharia Court was announced in the UK , I knew that Pandora’s Box had been opened.

That Muslims in the UK would never stop pushing until they get full Sharia Law. Of course I got bashed across the Internet though, by people saying that it is no big deal. Because Jews have religious courts there as well. The big deal is that Jews are not on a worldwide jihad trying to subjugate the planet under a set of barbaric religious laws. Now look were the UK is….”

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