GERMANY an EU vassal state Where Truth is Illegal

WHAT THE EU HAS BECOME: A young Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician is convicted for publishing gang rape statistics in connection with Afghan migration. The case has sparked international attention and generated tens of millions of views on X Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Marie-Thérèse Kaiser has been convicted for publishing gang rape statistics in […]

GERMANY an EU vassal state Where Truth is Illegal

1 Responses to GERMANY an EU vassal state Where Truth is Illegal

  1. euroM skriver:

    …de tyska politikerna tycks vara lika underdåniga EU-kommissionen som de svenska dito-den om att tex all kritik emot massmigrationen ettikeras som ”hate speach”

    sajten EUROPE RENAISSANCE (se ovan länk) skriver träffande:

    QUOTE OF THE DAY: HITLER’S PROPHECY With remarkable foresight Adolf Hitler in 1923 predicted a defeated post-war German Government: ‘Then things will come to such a pass that we shall be a people working for alien masters. Germany will be a plantation worked at the will of the alien, the victim of alien cupidity, with a government which has ceased to be a government at all since it governs no longer; it is but a bailiff carrying out the orders of foreign powers.’ Munich. 20th April 1923

    tydligen såg han vad som kom att ske-och fick rätt

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