Shariadomstolar runt om i Europa

Storbritannien har länge haft fungerande shariadomstolar, men antalet är mycket högre än man tidigare vetat om. Tio shariadomstolar var den officiella uppgiften förra året, och landets domstolsväsende anser att sharia går att praktisera vid sidan av det brittiska rättsväsendet.

Detta har fått Geert Wilders att göra en förfrågan till den holländska regeringen om samma fenomen finns i Holland och när man ska sätta stopp för sharia i Holland. Jag undrar detsamma i Sverige, men det svenska rättsväsendet har inget som helst intresse av att hejda sharia i Sverige. Det finns åtminstone en känd shariadomstol i Sverige, gissa var?!

”Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders has put a set of written parliamentary questions to the Dutch Government about the astonishing news that there are 85 sharia-courts in existence in the United Kingdom today. Wilders wants to know if similar practices exist in the Netherlands and if so, what the government intends to do to put a stop to this phenomenon. Wilders feels that sharia-law should never be accepted and should be strongly countered.

Read the questions below:

Written questions from the Parliament Members Fritsma and Wilders (both PVV) to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Justice on the existence of 85 sharia-courts in the United Kingdom.

Are you familiar with the reports on the existence of 85 sharia-courts in Great Britain (*)? Is this message correct?

Do you share our horror on the existence of 85 sharia-courts in the United Kingdom? Do you share our view that sharia- law does not coincide with our democratic values and freedoms, and that formal or informal sharia-law may never be accepted and should be strongly countered? If not, why not?

Are you prepared to strongly request the British government to shut down these 85 sharia-courts immediately? Which steps will you take to ensure the closing of these 85 sharia courts? If not, why not? Are there in any other Member States of the European Union formal or informal Sharia-courts?

Are there in the Netherlands any conflicts being settled, by imams or others in or outside mosques, based on sharia-law? Are you prepared to get this matter further examined in a detailed study? If not, why not?

Do you share the view that there should never be any formal nor informal sharia-law in the Netherlands, and that we should avoid that in our country any conflicts will be decided on by imams or others based on Islamic law? If not, why not?

Related links:

85 sharia-courts in the United Kingdom, Geert Wilders Weblog


Läs också:

One Law for all-No sharia campaign, upprop mot sharia i Storbritannien, Hedersrelaterat våld


Officiella shariadomstolar etablerade i Storbritannien,

Rättigheten att bli dömd enligt sharia i Sverige

Nu 85 (!) shariadomstolar i Storbritannien….., Jihad i Malmö

Muslimer i Sverige väljer sharia, Kulturvänster blir pophöger

Muslimska kvinnor vill själva sköta äktenskapfrågor, Hedersrelaterat våld

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