EU hyllar att de lyckas förtrycka det fria ordet.

On the EU Commission press release, titled Countering illegal hate speech online – EU Code of Conduct ensures swift response, the EU gives the IT Companies a pat on the back for ‘now assessing 89% of flagged content within 24 hours and 72% of the content deemed to be illegal hate speech being removed, compared to 40% and 28% respectively when the Code was first launched in 2016‘.

Vĕra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, stated as well that: ‘Illegal hate speech online is not only a crime, it represents a threat to free speech and democratic engagement. In May 2016.

Klarar man av att hylla sitt förtryckande av det fria ordet genom att man säger att man vill tillåta ”åsikter” som stödjer globalisterna enbart. Ja då är diktaturerna runt om i världen avundsjuka. Ingen pk media nämner det ens.


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